In my country, people often use
marketing as a synonym of advertising. When I started attending the marketing
course, therefore, I unintentionally mistake that marketing is kind of
advertising. However, I was gradually taught so many concepts like marketing environment,
consumer behavior, and then I wondered why “advertising” was related to these
issues. After pondering a couple sources of reference, I realize that I was
totally wrong; I interpret a very, very small part of marketing.
Marketing, according to Wikipedia, is the process of communicating
the value of a product or service to customers. Clearly, marketing is indeed a
process of advertising products or services; advertising alone is merely a tool
of marketing. However, advertising is what people see every day. That’s the
reason why without academic knowledge concerning marketing, people hardly
distinguish these two concepts.
It’s pretty dangerous if we can’t
understand marketing exactly. We would be confusing what we are studying in the
marketing course, which is too broad to “advertising”.
Let’s enjoy the course!
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